I am not cut out for solo training. I don’t know how I managed it my first year. It is an anomaly. Tuesday I was in the car at 5am to head to Kingaroy, so no running. Wednesday I could barely open my eyes when the alarm went off. I hauled myself over to the window, saw there was a heavy fog (and heavy fog means it’s drizzly, right? That’s almost like rain) and went back to bed.
Thursday. Ah, Thursday! I was up before the alarm but desperately didn’t want to go out. I saw it was a clear day (siiiiigh) and reluctantly, slowly headed towards Hospital Hill. I accidentally brought both my ipods up with me and you know what? Neither worked! One was out of batteries, and I think the other has gone to the great Apple in the sky. It has never been quite right after “The Bus Incident”. For those who were reading my training updates via email back in those days, you may recall this unfortunate event.
No intervals for me out to the hill. I kept it at a sluggish jog. I figured if all I did was walk up the hill once and jog back, that would be okay. Just getting out the door felt like an accomplishment. But then something happened.
Round 1 – 4.08min
Round 2 – 3.53min
Round 3 – 3.46min
Round 4 – 4.04min
Now let me tell you that in round 2 & 3 I happened to be running uphill with a bootcamp group. Sure, they were only running 1/5 the distance I was, but the point is that my competitive nature kicked in and I had to push myself harder. It gave me an extra kick when I otherwise wanted to kick the bucket on training and call it a day.
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