It appears that my wits went begging when I moved to Rockhampton and I've only just discovered I hadn't posted anything on my final long run before tapering (and my last run in Brisbane!). Here is what I had written on the Sunday (the day after).
Yesterday I went for my second 25k run. My beautiful back posse group deliberately paced it slower, as last time we had gone far too quickly and it destroyed me for the entire weekend. It was a lot of fun. One of the fast runners decided to join us and we were actually able to talk the entire distance (rather than gasping for air). Brilliant!
It was a new route, too. Up in the same direction but on the other side of the river this time. So I knew the first 6k out but the last half was a mystery. There were a few big hills. Not really steep but looooong hills. The kind where you think you’re at the top turn the corner…and there’s more uphill!
With 2k to go I ran past a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. In a quick flurry we decided I’d finish my run and then head back to catch up with her while she continued to walk in the same direction as I.
I finished my run – 25.5k! Farthest distance yet. And, perhaps most importantly, longest time I’ve spent on my feet: 2.39.44sec. In “long slow distance” time on your feet is actually more important than speed – that’s what speed sessions are for.
And just to add that extra cherry on top, I did a slow (super slow) jog back another couple hundred metres to meet up with my friend. I think it was more a flail than a jog, but I did it.
On a final note, I’m writing this from my new living accommodation in Rockhampton – about an 8h drive north of Brisbane. There is a running group up here which I’ve yet to meet, but I shall dearly miss my Galeforce Running Squad! It has been an amazing year of training and I’ve come so far. Group workouts, baby! It’s all about the group workouts.
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