Yesterday, a bout of food poisoning cancelled my run. I rested this morning with plans to run in the arvo if I felt better. After work, I happily - and somewhat guiltily - found an excuse not to go for a run despite the beautiful weather and the promise I'd made myself.
I got home and discovered an unaccountably sarcastic email where the person - someone for whom I was a client, nonetheless - called me rude names. It took me half an hour to sort out why this email had come out of the blue. I resolved the problem (which had been a third party error unrelated to me) and responded in snide -er, in kind. I could have taken the higher road, but where's the fun in that? Sometimes I am not a nice person.
And suddenly, a run sounded pretty good. Imagine that.
So I laced up my running shoes and RAN. So fast I cracked the first few minutes at a 3.30 pace. So fast I flew up the 1km long hill with barely a struggle.
It was also debut of the new shoes - and they held up well. Running as much as I do, no sense getting a shoe that "will" mould to my foot and "will" fit better with time. I know in the first few steps in the store whether my feet will like their new companion or whether I'm setting myself up for shin splints and a world of injuries & tears. But no amount of simple in-store jogging can compare with the first real run. And what a debut to have! Trial by fire - almost like hazing for shoes. So, welcome to the family, new shoes!
Distance: 5.31
Time: 32.51
Elevation: 61
Pace: 6.11 (this may not seem fast, but it is much improved for this season! And keep in mind I am still running lots of hills. It gives me hope for training camp).
Ah, rage runs! If not a favourite, certainly satisfying! Rage runs are not about split times, or intervals, or really any sort of training. They are about running as hard and as fast as you can until all that frustration goes away. If nothing else, rage runs are motivating. I might have gone longer, but the setting sun dictated my return.
The true answer to how I can speed up in my running: rage runs. Of course, I'd rather not have so many problems that I go on them often! Once on the rare occasion is much better.
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