On the weekend I planned to go for a tempo run. But those little niggling excuses got in the way. You know the ones - it's storming outside, my body is exhausted, I need a rest day...
So then I made a plan to go for a tempo run yesterday. But the thought of doing a tempo run made me shudder. Tempo runs are not my friend! So - can you believe it? - I ran hills instead. Hills. I prefer hills over a tempo run! I must be nuts! I guess what I like about hills is that you get a recovery on the way down. Whereas a tempo run...no breaks, just running.
My intention was to do 5 reps, but I started running short on time so I only did 4. The first hill was a 'test hill'. After running up it I decided it was too rolly for a decent hill session. I needed something that went straight up. So I ran back to the street where I first lived in Rocky. That has a hill. And I mean a hill.
I won't get into my heart rate, because that would scare people who believe in the "max HR = 220-age". (I don't.) Let's just say I was working hard!
My "warm-up" including the first hill took 10min, so technically I only did 3 hill reps.
Total distance: 4.64km
Total time: 32.57min
Avg pace: 7.06 (including recoveries. There may have been some walking involved.)
Total elevation: 128m
1st rep: 2.54min, avg pace 7.08
2nd rep: 3.07min, avg pace 7.33
3rd rep: 3.15, avg pace 7.54
As you can see, this hill absolutely wiped me! I got progressively slower every time. I maybe could have fit in a fourth rep, but I was soooo exhausted I just couldn't find the motivation. Still, it was fantastic.
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