It has been a bit of a kick-ass week for my running.
Goal 1: Run tempo runs at 5.15min/km pace
Goal 2: Stretch after every run
Goal 3: do runs outside of scheduled runs.
All three goals get a big TICK!
Goal 1: I had two other short tempo runs in the past week - one about 3k, and tonight's about 4k. For the 3k I managed a time of 5.10min/km once again. Tonight the distance was closer to 4.3km, and I had a killer 5.08min/km, and it felt much easier than the previous tempo runs. I credit my wonderful sister, who pushed me to run harder and it felt slightly less painful. It seems, though, that I just can't keep a 5.15min/km pace. I think a big part of my problem is I worry I'll go to slow and won't be able to keep up the time. I am supposed to be doing negative splits. While I haven't exactly been doing negative splits, at least there has been no significant drop in my times as the kms roll out.
Goal 2: Stretch? Why yes, I will, thanks! It is super helpful that my running crew all stretches after as well. If I'm going to stand around and talk / gasp for air, I might as well thank my body for it's hard work by stretching out after. And the visual reminders of seeing others stretch is a big key in this.
Goal 3: I love short runs! I did a lovely 5k with a friend (unfortunately, I made the ambitious suggestion of running up Nose Hill and proceeded to regret every step of the first 1.3k until we reached the top). I also did an easy steady run of 4k. Out and back. Niiiice and short! This was a steady run, with the goal of running at about 5.50min/km. I may have cheated just a little. I spoke with a few runners who suggested that I practise the run at my target race pace. Since that is just 9 seconds faster (5.41min/km), I thought I might aim for a nice median of about 5.45min/km.
One thing I have learned: I am pretty good at measuring my times in 1k reps. After doing weekly 1k reps for months on end in Australia, I got to be pretty good at judging my speed and determining if I needed to speed up or slow down. But the trouble is, that is going flat out for 1k reps (I was usually aiming for around 4.45min/km). My ability to judge speed for a tempo run or steady run is poor at best. I am therefore reliant on my Garmin watch which isn't all that reliable. As such, when aiming for a 5.15 pace I often say "oh no! 5.33...better speed up. Wait! Yikes! 4.47... that's way too fast!" and back and forth I go, rarely hitting that sweet spot of my target pace. But perhaps, if I continue this week after week for months on end, I will be able to fine tune my self-judgement of pace. Maybe in the end, I won't even need a fancy watch!
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