Wednesday, July 27, 2016


If variety is the spice of life, I’m beginning to feel like my running is a plain baked potato with no added salt. Most of my running is in the morning before work, which is the best time I can fit it in, since afternoon/evening running is usually synonymous with staying home on the couch in my world. So because I’m stuck to running in the morning, my options of creativity are limited by the following for most of my runs:
-30 minutes total time from warm-up to cool down

There are no nearby hills and not a lot of really good running routes. I miss the days where I lived next door to the extensive river pathways of Calgary! But more than anything, I miss my running buddies! Any running buddies! The four-legged one I have now just isn’t the best conversationalist.
There is one park nearby which takes me about 15 minutes to run through end to end to end to end (it’s a bit like a pinwheel path). So today I ran that route. Twice through. I did my own little pyramid run,  just for something different.

                          5 min – hard effort          5min – hard effort
              5min – moderate effort                         5min – moderate effort
5min – easy effort/warm-up                                          5min – easy effort/cool down

Brizzy rather enjoyed himself off-leash: he would sniff to his little doggy heart’s content and then race after me. By the last 10 minutes, he was sticking pretty close. I clipped him on to the leash for the cool down to remind him of what it means to run on a leash, and he behaved beautifully after being so worn out.

So today I may have added just a tad bit of seasoning to my baked-potato running, but what I really need is to add some hot sauce. If anyone knows of a good hot sauce recipe for running with a dog in a 30min time limit, let me know!

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