Saturday, June 24, 2017

Test of Endurance

Slow run day! To add to the confusion of my running clinic, there are two different training programs to follow. One told us Sunday would be a 5k....the other a 10k.

As hubby and I were out of town on the weekend, I motivated myself to run solo. I thought it would be a good test of endurance for my knee. I planned a flat route that would loop around near my house so that - if perchance my knee gave out - I wouldn't be too far away.

At 5k I felt good...great, even!

At 7k I started to hurt. Certainly my knee was a bit sore...not in a "I'm injured!" way. More in an "I'm unfit and my body is shutting down in protest with the weakest part going first!" sort of way. I had really wanted to go to 10k.

I settled for a timed event of 60 minutes, which totaled 8.39km. Where my [lack of] fitness really showed was in my split times. I ran the first 3k around a 6:50 pace which was right on my goal...then I slowed to a 7:15 pace for the next 3k...then 7:30 on kilometer get the idea.

Ah, well! First goal is pain free. Second goal is building my endurance back up. Third goal is PB!!! (Hahaha).

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