Tuesday, May 7, 2024

But Did You DIE?

 My husband Russell has a shirt that has big block letters on it reading, "BUT DID YOU DIE?"

I couldn't help but think of this shirt a lot on my first run in almost 2 years. My goal in 2022 to run 50k in the year...didn't pan out. What can I say? I gave birth to kiddo #3 in 2023 and I traded out my running goals for stroller walks and lazy days playing with the kids instead.

But last night I realized: spring is finally here, and there's no better time to get back into it, right?

My A Goal to run 30min of 10:1 (10min run to a 1 min walk) quickly sputtered into a B goal of 20min of 5:1 instead. 

Total distance: 2.5km

Total time: 22min

It's going to be a long slow journey back into fitness. I'm not committing to entering any races yet. Nor am I committing to any long-term goals over the year. Right now I'm just settling for taking this one trudging step at a time.

At the end of my run, I reflected on the previously mentioned question: but did I DIE? No, I did not.

Did I literally give myself a high-five at the end because I was so proud of myself? Yes. Yes I did.


  1. Kudos for taking the first step. Can’t wait to see how you progress as summer comes.
