Yesterday, I started on a run. I did! I put on my running clothes, jogged through the warm-up, got to the bottom of my first hill and...stopped. After 5 steps I realized that it was not my day. So I went for a walk instead. Lazy, I know! But I just wasn't feeling it and I didn't want to push myself.
Today I did lazy sprints. I only did 25min of sprints before I finished up on my two hill runs (I ran them both in a decent time). And the sprints weren't as hard core as last week's. Last week, I did two lamp posts of running followed by 1 lamp post recovery. This week I did a mix of 2:1 and 1:1 for running/recovery.
Gotta run! Er, maybe I'll just "leave" and save the running for tomorrow. ;)
Always a fun read. Now, does your running count as exercise for me if I read it? Wouldn't that be nice. Wendy T