So, yesterday was my hill training day. Not a lot of decent hills in Wondai. I found two that looked semi-okay. One was about 400m, the other about 450m. I did 5 runs on each hill.
400m: 2.03-2.14min
450m: 2.28-2.35min
the timing of this was not a precise art (especially for the 400m hills as I sometimes started at different points). To be fair, there are lots of decent hills a short drive away. I had no interest in driving anywhere, though.
Today was sprints. I snaked up and around the area sprinting for two light posts and recovery for one. Some were flat, some uphill, and others downhill. I focussed on going as hard as I could. I meant to do 45min but I was wiped after 30min. So, I decided to end with an extra dash of cruelty and ran a 1k interval at the end of my sprint session. I ended up running it with a time of 5.27 despite my deadened legs, so not bad!
Lots more barking dogs in the country. Fortunately, they have thus far all been fenced in securely. I have no desire to get chased down by a dog while on a run! I've experienced it once in the city by a little ankle biter, and never wish to endure that again.
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