Today was one of those long run days that most people would really, really not like. It started at 5am - yes, that is 0500 hours. I ran a very fast 5k out and back at 5am. I should have expected it, really, as the four other people in this little group of hardcore marathon trainers (or weekend workers) were much, much faster than me.
So out we go at a 5.43min/km pace. Keep in mind my last 10k race wasn't that fast!
We get back just as the other slackers show up to start their run at 5.30am. How I envied that extra half hour sleep in! And yet, there is something so nice about starting with a group having already clocked 5k on my feet.
But as we went out with the bigger group, it was not the nice slow pace I had come to expect on slow runs. No, no. Because the group was small as many fellow runners are in Sydney doing a Fun Run this weekend, there were only a few of us who had shown up this morning. To put it in perspective, when I say 'few', there were probably about 15-20 runners total, while normal Saturday morning crowds could easily be twice that.
On my schedule was 24k and I had planned to do 20k with the group (having already done 5k). But everyone else doing my distance bolted into the sunrise, leaving me behind with my trusty back possee group. So we cruised at our own long slow run pace, thank you! And since everyone was turning at the 8k mark to do a 16k, I decided to do the same.
Initially, my intentions were good. I would run the 15-16k with the group, then do another 3-4k mini-loop at the end to round it off at 24k. (Remembering that I had done 5k earlier that morning
But then on the way back fatigue started setting in, and that thought of going all the way back just to turn around again and run 4k on my own didn't seem so smart. I thought, 20k ought to be good enough.
Thankfully, I had a couple of friends running at a bit slower pace (shocking, I know), which gave me the motivation to turn around at the end and run back to them. Just to them, I told myself.
But they weren't as far back as I had thought, so I decided to go a little bit further - 1k, actually - then turn back around to make a nice even 22k.
Only I had miscalculated. It wasn't 22k. It was 21.6k!
So another little loop of 400m (getting slower and slower with each loop, I might add) and I was done. 22k!
Not quite the 24k I was aiming for...but at least it was in the ballpark.
Total distance: 22.0k
Total time: 2.16.41min
Total elevation: 304m
Average pace: 6.05min/km
And the best part? When my housemate saw me later this morning she told me I was glowing (this was after I had showered). And since she has seen me after most of my Saturday runs, I take this as a good sign. I'm glad I don't feel wrecked or - even worse - injured.
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