Saturday, September 14, 2013


Recovery run day! Last night it looked like rain. While important training sessions have occasionally dragged me out of bed against my better judgement in times of rain, a recovery run does not fall into that category! I planned to go to Park Run, but I was pretty tired so didn't set my alarm.
Instead, I decided that if I woke up on time and it wasn't raining, I would go. Otherwise, laziness would prevail.
But guess what? I woke up in time, and it wasn't raining.
So off I went. As I was in recovery and my friend Chris was noteably absent, I asked my friend Hap if I could run with him. He thought I was being generous, but it was really a bit of a selfish move because
1) It would prevent me from getting competitive and wanting to go just a little bit faster to beat that other runner. This is a recovery run, after all! Racing is next weekend.
2) It's more social and ergo, more fun.
3) So many people have been encouraging me from my running since before Day 1. It's always important to pay such kindness forward.

Or again, maybe he was reluctant to agree with my suggestion as he was worried that he wouldn't be able to escape my natterings for the next 5k. Which he didn't. Poor guy. But he survived.

 Warming up my voice in preparation for the next 5k.

Spot us in the crowd! There's a reason I've started wearing bright colours to Park Run.

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