Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Secret to Running Fast

Shh! I have a secret. I can get you to run faster in weeks with a new running program I've discovered! And the best part? It is so easy, you won't even feel like you've gotten out of bed to do it!
But wait, there's more! There is an unlimited time offer where you can find out the secret to running faster absolutely free. That's right, folks! Absolutely free!
Here's the secret:
Step 1: Start running
Step 2: Decide on a running program to follow. It can be from the Internet, a book you read, a running coach, or your own thoughts & ideas.
Step 3: Tell other runners you meet why your program is The Secret to getting the race/fitness results of their dreams.

Okay, so I may have watched an infomercial or two in my life. Those things are funny and a great cure for insomnia! And thinking about it, lots of runners could moonlight as infomercial hosts. Yes, I count myself as being among the worst! When things go well, I tell everyone why what I'm doing is awesome and I want them to do just as awesome. And on the flip side, I  always love hitting up faster runners for reflections and advice on their running regime. Doesn't mean I'll follow it, but I filter it in the back of my mind as potentially useful for when my own running is going not so well.

I didn't have insomnia last night, but I had been hosting a party and went to bed late (for me). But I still dragged myself out of bed at 6.15am because I knew I would be sad to miss running in Park Run, even if my stomach was still unhappy about all the yummy-but-bad-for-you food I had eaten last night.

Me unintentionally photo-bombing one of my fellow Park Runners getting a clown wig to wear for his 50th Park Run. Awesome! One day I may get the honour of wearing a clown wig while I run. Motivation for me to run my way up to the magic 5-0

Spot me in the crowd! I am wearing my trademark red cap and bright coloured shirt to stand out for the photo (orange this week, to match the volunteers!)

I had no race plan today. Okay, sorry. That's a lie. I had a plan to run a sub-25min, but I had no plan of how to get there besides "do my best and don't expect too much". After all, I was pretty sure before I started I wouldn't make it today, but I'm always hopeful. For the first 2k I kept a strong 5min/km pace, and then started to fizzle & die once again. Curse you, poor endurance! My B-Goal was sub-26min, and I'm happy to say I did accomplish that, getting snugly to the finish line at a respectable 25.31min. So maybe I can call this a "threshold run" rather than a race.

Sub 26-min here I come!

I knew one of my fellow Park Runners was still on the course, aiming for his own PB. So after I'd cooled down and re-learned how to absorb air into my lungs, I jogged off to find him and support his finish. This is a person who has been so encouraging to me and all the Park Runners, so I thought I'd return the favour and encourage him a little. Or I tried to encourage him, but maybe I was more like an annoying fly buzzing in his ear that he couldn't swat away. But he was very gracious.

We even wore matching outfits! Hmm. It sort of does look like I'm that annoying person he's trying to escape from...

 ...But I still stuck to him like an ant on honey until he crossed the finish.

I know what you're wondering. How does my infomercial talk at the beginning relate to today's run? Well, after I'd finished (the second time) I ran into a Park Runner I hadn't seen for a few weeks. I asked him how he was going, and his eyes lit up. He launched into his story about this amazing book he'd been reading that had changed his running forever and given him more energy than ever before and I should just try it because I would find my results getting faster and I wouldn't even feel like I was working hard and I would be gaining so much energy just like he had and all my race goals would be achieved with hardly any effort on my part...
I sat back on my heels and smiled. Some days I wonder if I enjoy running with others not to challenge myself, but to hear the infomercials of their running programs.

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