The hills were rolling but nothing horrific. Being my last race of the day, I wanted to do a kick-ass time but had to settle for an okay time, as I was pretty tired even despite keeping my morning run slow & steady. And I couldn't help but just enjoy it. The scenery, the friendly water truck bearing a sign that encouraged me on and offered me liquid gold every km, the cheering hoards of runners packed onto team buses as they rode past. What's not to enjoy?
Me Enjoying Life.
Goal time: sub-24min
Actual time: 23.56min
Average pace: 5.28min/km
So I kicked in under my sub-5.30min goal. I even kicked in under my sub-24min goal. But I wouldn't quite call it "kick ass". I pushed hard for the finish - as I like to do - and tagged off to my next team mate who pirated away.
But no rest for the wicked! Just as I was sucking in air I saw the dubious vision of the car meant to be picking me up pulling away! So off I sprinted just a little way down the road to make sure I caught my lift.
Later, I would feel silly over my panic at seeing my team mates nearly forgetting me (and just after I'd finished running, too!). Although I did catch them before they left, I realized as I jumped into the car there were about 5 other team cars there and I could have just as easily jumped in with one of them to get a lift into Boonah. And also, it was only 2k into Boonah so it's not like I couldn't have run it either.
I blame the lack of oxygen.
And to be fair to my team mates, it wasn't that I was "forgotten" it's just that of the two potential team vehicles available to pick me up, both assumed the other would be bundling me into their transport.
Below are some other pics I took photos where those of us not currently running were cheering on team mates who were currently running - in our minds if not out loud. (Fortunately, we did get better at the out-loud cheering as the day progressed.)
Our awesome team mate reminding us that cheering needs to be done out loud not in our minds. Oops!
Why yes, it was hot. Too hot to be dusty, because dusty implies that there would be wind. You don't get wind in an oven.
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