Wednesday, December 4, 2013

500k Relay: Beached Pirate Day 2, Race #4: The Champion Run

I didn't feel much like a champion as I dragged myself out of the car and to the start line. My legs were still exhausted from the morning's run. I was glad it wasn't too hot, but there was a really strong headwind.
I'm talking BIG AWFUL headwind.
I was really lucky at the start area, as there was a girl huddled in the shade with me who had done this same leg of the race last year. She warned me that while it is very flat, there is a nasty hill at the end.
"Push through", she encouraged me. "Don't stop on the hill because the finish is just over the crest of it."
I sort of wondered why the finish couldn't be at the bottom of it, but I bit my tongue and thanked her for her valuable advice.
I was tagged off and I pirated away!

Total distance: 4.8k
Goal time: sub-27min
Goal pace: sub-5.30min/km

The first 2k I managed to keep on my target pace. Barely.
By the start of the 3rd km I gave up all hope of meeting my goal time. I was running along a massive valley. The road was straight and a little boring. No curves, no trees, not even any hills!
I pulled my hat down lower over my face and to prevent it from blowing off (I did consider just holding it in my hand instead) and ducked my head into the wind.
And I slowed.
It felt like I was running through a jar of honey, where every step was an effort. My wonderful team mates had piled out of the bus on the side of the road to cheer me on. And for those few metres I felt lighter and stronger and faster. And then I passed them and I remembered that I was still fighting against the wind. They were even kind enough to say that I was looking really strong out there. Well, as long as I looked good...

Running past the cheering hoards of fans.

The hill at the end nearly destroyed me. I didn't walk, but it was such a crawl I might as well have been walking. The water truck volunteers were very, very kind to me at this point. I think they knew just how hard I was struggling. They had parked their truck halfway up the hill. The husband met me at the bottom of the hill and jogged with me to the truck, and then the wife took over to encourage me to the top. She was amazing!
She heard my erratic breathing and told me to follow her breathing pattern as she took deep breaths. It helped a lot.

 Tagging off to the next runner. The white van in the distance marks the top of the hill.

I got to the top and did my best to surge to the end. But I don't think it was a surge so much as a stagger. I didn't make my goal time, or my goal pace. It was a tough race. I think the pic above pretty much sums up how I felt.

Total time: 27.22min
Average pace: 5.40min/km

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