Like the Wicked Witch of the West, the ice that once cursed our Hospital Hill was nothing but a puddle of water tonight. Oh, clear pathways! How I've MISSED you!!! The freedom of being able to dictate my own pace rather than having the ice dictate it for me.
Boy, did I run hard tonight. I really didn't want to go. And when I got there, I was sort of keeping my fingers crossed nobody would show up and I could turn around. And when I started running (because 3 others showed up), I told myself that since last week I did one extra hill, this week I could allow myself to do one less and only do five.
And when I started up the hill...all bets were off! I was bound and determined to run all 6 hills, and determined to go hard.
The thing that you don't realize if you haven't run hills is how tough hills are to run. You're out of breath. You're wheezing. You collect thick, ropy saliva in your mouth that covers your airway but you don't have the breath to spit it out so instead you just open your mouth wider and gurgle a little bit. There is nothing graceful about running hills, I tell you! But oh, they are satisfying when you are finished!
6 hill repeats, done and dusted!
Total distance: 8.37km
Total time: 51.46min/km
Pace: 6.11min/km (faster than my tempo runs! Yaow!)
Heart rate: average: 165bpm (88%); max 179bpm (95%)... no wonder I was wheezing!
...and I may have been singing another few little ditties in my head about the lack of ice tonight! I'll let you guess what one of them was based on the title of this blog.
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