Well, my computer may have stopped, but my running hasn't!
Since the LSD Half Marathon of a few weeks ago, I have been on a few runs!
To recap:
-6k tempo run: the "let's find a route that avoids the rising waters so we can run on dry ground but it's not as scary as that sounds it's more about getting a bit creative with the route" run
-4.5km of speed: the "oooof! Tired legs! How can 6 repeats of 30second sprint / 15 second recovery hurt so bad?" run
-12k LSD: the "ranfaster than I wanted to go the first 6k, then when I veered off on my own I found myself trying to train for heart rate and keep my heart rate under 70% of max only to find it a near impossible task! Ugh, so slow! We're talking almost 8min/km! I now appreciate what the 'SLOW' means in 'LSD' " run
-7k tempo: the "no one showed up for my clinic so I jumped in with another clinic and ended up going WAY faster than I was used to, running 7k at a 5.15min/km pace and oh wow, if I only kept that up for another 3km I would have hit a 10k pb! Jeepers, was I ever shattered at the end of the run only to hear others [who finished just ahead of me] talking about how it was nice to 'take it easy and go slow tonight', and meanwhile I was struggling to breathe so hard I couldn't even spit" run
And last but not least:
-6k steady: the "first run of the year in the rain! Although it only rained for a few minutes. And then I apparently dropped my hat but a kind clinic member recognized it as mine and returned it to the store so I can pick it up later, and I made a new awesome running friend" run.
And that, my friends, is that.
The 7k group run where I was too tired to spit! But was still proud enough that I suggested a jump shot at the end. That's me in the orange shirt, looking like a startled red panda...
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