Thursday, May 24, 2018

Two Tempos

Tempo 1: 6k

Total time: 36.11min
Total distance: 5.98km
Average pace: 6.03min/km
Average HR: 171 (88%)

Right on target! I did a fairly good job of going between a 5.55 to 6.08 pace. I should have slowed down more in the last km, but I was running with a lovely person and couldn't bring myself to do it! I watched my heart rate creep higher and higher, but decided it was worth it for the companionship.

Tempo 2: 10k

Total time: 1.03.48 min
Total distance: 10.2km
Average pace: 6.15min/km
Average HR: 171 bpm (88%)

This run was poorly executed, on my part. Again, running with people is my downfall! I just love it so much. I watched my heart rate creep up and I had the strength to tell my running pals I was going to slow down. And they were just so lovely, of course they kindly slowed right down with me! And I was so happy. But then it happened heart rate just wouldn't stay in that 80-90% zone! And my mind was saying go, go, go, and my heart rate was saying, slow down just a bit more. And in the end...I compromised. I got slower every km, but not slow enough for my silly heart. And I couldn't bring myself to slow down more simply because I was having such a lovely time, and the other two girls were all too lovely!
Here is how I got progressively worse with my pace:
1km: 5.50
2km: 5.58 (climbing up the hill)
3km: 6.03
4km: 6.19
5km: 6.23
6km: 6.23
7km: 6.11 (going back down the hill)
8km: 6.27
9km: 6.34
10km: 6.36

Siiiiigh! My husband asked me the other day if I was noticing improvements. As much as I would love to see instant improvement (and therefore, receive instant gratification), it appears I'm in it for the long haul! Clearly, I have a long way to go. Someone asked me if I was planning to stick to it. And I answered, "what have I got to lose?" My other training has left me quite stagnant in terms of times, so might as well give something new a try. And it would be foolish to give up trying less than a month of starting it.

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