Thursday, October 3, 2013

Update: Return of the Ankle

Wow, I didn't expect to garner as much sympathy and concern as I did with my last blog entry. Thanks everyone for being awesome! I loved the advice and sympathy and kind thoughts and offers for help. 
Okay, so a non-running update on my foot. At first my physio told me it was an itty bitty Grade 1 sprain. While I was mucho grateful that it was the mildest sprain possible (which means the quickest recovery!!!) I was a little bit sheepish about making such a big deal about it.
But sadly it's not healing as fast as it should be for an itty bitty Grade 1 sprain, so it's been downgraded to  possibly a Grade 2 sprain. Or it could be an itty bitty fracture that didn't show up on the first x-ray.
Fear not, faithful readers! Trust me that it's feeling heaps better and the swelling and bruising have gone down fantastically. I'm pretty confident it's not a fracture. 
And since I can see the progress of my foot much easier than anyone else, I thought I'd put everyone's minds at ease by posting the pics from today comparing the range of motion of my two ankles. Notably - I have an ankle again! My faithful ankle has reappeared. 
I've been doing the typical physio exercises of strengthening with a band and increasing range of motion by pretending to write the alphabet with my foot. Today I even succeeded at some lateral movement. I don't think I'll be writing any recognizable alphabet letters with my toes any time soon, but at least my "O"s don't turn out like "I"s.
I hope to be back to running soon (this isn't a blog site about injuries, thank goodness!). But as a wise person told me, "worry about walking first", so hopefully I will be back to walking extra soon. I like walking. Walking is good.
 Left! Left! Left right left! Left!

 Not up to ballerina toe-point juuuuust yet.

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