Monday, June 30, 2014

Food for Thought

My first LSD with my new "running clinic" group (that's Long Slow Distance for those who aren't into the running lingo). Today was an easy 7k.
I joined up with a group of 3 other girls who were going at a reasonably slow pace for me. Always great to have some sticklers for the slower pace in the group. "Hold up now, ladies! We're going a bit too fast." My legs were sore after yesterday's triathlon training, so every time we slowed down I was happy. I was even more happy when the weather was forecast for rain but it was a pleasant overcast weather instead - not a drop of rain!
But the really interesting part happened in the post-run coffee. I've never run with this clinic before, and I was curious what people thought of the training.
The consensus of the group: Running Room is to get people involved in running and to get people to love running. The goal is to increase distance rather than speed.
My thought: rats! I want to increase speed - I already know I can do the distance.
So I spoke with a few people in the group about what I could do if my goal was to increase speed. As always with runners, everyone was filled with good ideas of "I read in X book that...." or, "for me, I found that Y works really well" and so on.
It certainly isn't the type of running club I'm used to from Australia (oh, how I miss my Australian running groups!). It will be interesting to see what happens.
Certainly, the coffee discussion gave me lots of food for thought. I may have to chew on some things for a while.

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