Sunday, October 14, 2012

Marathon Pipe Dream

Running is simple. Sure, you can make it more complex by adding in fancy split times and specific training goals and pace levels and different pairs of shoes for different terrains and events. But at the bottom of it, it really is a simple sport. There are few rules, although most runners will agree on certain runner's etiquette (e.g. if/when spitting, make sure you don't do so on the person near you).
But while running is simple, life sometimes isn't. I don't much dwell on these "other factors" in my blog, because I don't want them to dominate my focus on running. Running is simple, after all. It often takes me away from all of life's complexities and is a breath of fresh air! Or rather, many deep gasping breaths of fresh air.
However, I find that after my most fabulous race, I've been struggling with multiple factors that have all impacted on my running. In fact, it is safe to say that my motivation to run is the lowest it's been in 4 years. While there are many little things happening in my life (isn't this the way of everyone?) I can say that there are two big causes affecting my running:
1. Health - I have been very fatigued post-race but have surprisingly not bounced back despite the time I've given myself to do so. My heart has said yes but within 2k of running my body very clearly is saying no. It was pointed out to me that after running in long events (such as a 28.5km trail run through the Whitsundays) it is common for the body chemistry to become out of whack and depleted of many important vitamins, minerals, etc that keep us going. I was told by a friend in the know that my pasty complexion (gee, thanks!) and low energy are signs that I could be anaemic. So I have made myself a large spinach salad and am eating my way reluctantly through it all. For anyone who knows me, you will appreciate what a sacrifice that is for someone who doesn't much like raw vegetables.
2. Marathon pipe dream - in the back of my mind, I had set the goal to run my first marathon - YES! MARATHON!!! - in Hobart in January. I held back on announcing this dream, as I wanted first to pull through the Whitsundays alright. When I did, I felt the stars aligning to run my first marathon: first, it was a destination marathon, and I've always wanted my first marathon to be in a place I've never been. Second, I was already in peak condition from training for the Whitsundays, so why not keep that fitness level up for another few months rather than having to let it flicker out and then have to start from scratch once again? Third, it was the weekend after my current contract ended. What better timing!
But earlier this week my contract was cancelled due to public funding cuts. Word on the street is work in my field is pretty scarce all around now. And suddenly this balloon dream of running my first marathon in January has come dangerously close to popping. In terms of race goals, I'm a lost sheep at the moment. And combined with my ongoing fatigue, my motivation for running goals is at it's lowest in years.

At such times, it is best for me to go back to basics: the simplicity of running, if you will.
So for the next few weeks, I will make no goals in running. It is a time to simply run and remind myself why I love it; why I sacrifice sleep to wake up at 4.45am on the weekdays, and why I skip Friday nights out in favour of a Saturday morning run. 
Running - like life -is about putting one foot in front of the other. Perhaps I've been making it too complex in an already complex world. Perhaps I've been too focused on the destination and not the journey.

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