Saturday, June 29, 2013

Attempt at a Threshold

Well, I finally cracked down on myself and decided to do a threshold run. Supposedly I was meant to be doing them once a fortnight since February. On rough estimate, that means I should have about 11 or so under my belt by now.
I've done one.
Today was my second threshold run. Ever.
So I'm trying to build you up for the excuses I am about to make about running so awkwardly!
The run that was outlined for me by my coach was as follows:
2k warm up + 5k at a pace of around 5.10min/km + 2k warm down

What better run to do this at than ParkRun? Oh, ParkRun, how I've missed you!
I arrived early and did my 2k warm up. I even finished early as I'd agreed to meet a friend for Park Run. But with the threat of rain, he opted to stay in bed. That was fine with me, as I had my training plan that I could focus on.

From the start, it was hard. I couldn't believe I used to run faster than this! The first 2k I struggled to keep my pace under 5.15min/km. Then things started to go downhill pretty quickly. Not the course, mind you. Just my running. The 3rd km I held on through shear determination and pulled in a 5.19.
The 4k and 5k parts were not so good, averaging at a 5.45 and 5.40 pace respectively. Finishing in a time of around 27.15min. How on earth was I getting a sub-25min in May?

Yay! Only 200m to go!

After the run I saw one of my coaches and decided to chat it over with her. Apparently, threshold runs are not so much done to pace as to feel. Huh, wish I'd remembered that before the race!
Threshold runs are meant to be run at a quick pace, but one that you can maintain for 60min. My coach reassured me that this meant some days would be a lot faster than others. Well, clearly I couldn't maintain the pace for 30min let alone 60min!

Still, with another three weeks until my next race, I've got lots of time to learn from my mistakes. If training goes as planned, I hope to peak in August.

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