Thursday, March 12, 2015

Stretching Assistance

My life has changed rather dramatically since the last post. I got a puppy!
But that's no excuse, right?

I missed a training session with a friend last night, so I decided to do my own "punishment" to make-up for the missed session. My punishment was HILL REPEATS! Ugh! As punishments go, I thought it was appropriate (even if the workout I missed was upper body).

My ambitious goal was to do around 10 hill repeats. Ha! Deep down, I knew that would never happen. My dad and I drove out to a nearby park and did a warm-up jog together. Then, while he walked around I did my hill repeats. I only had 15 minutes, so I thought 5 would be an achievable goal.

I overestimated my fitness levels.

Rep 1: 48 seconds. I made it my goal thenceforth to do ever rep under 1minute.
Rep 2: 60 seconds. Boom! Just made it.
Rep 3: 54 seconds. I focused on "Quick Arms; Quick Legs" and moved my legs really fast. Really fast. I was impressed with myself. My legs were starting to shake quite a lot, but more than halfway done!
Rep 4: 67 seconds. After this rep I kept circling the bottom of the hill like a conflicted vulture wanting to eat dead prey but seeing hyenas nearby. Finally, I saw my dad at the top and new I had to face the hyenas. Upward!
Rep 5: 67 seconds. My legs were shaking the entire way and at just under halfway I knew I couldn't possibly run the entire way up the hill. So I made myself run the entire way up the hill. (Well, when I say "run", that is open to interpretation).

We didn't jog back to the car as I had thought we dad walked and I staggered beside him feeling slightly sick. I knew I'd eaten too many cookies this afternoon!

I got home and collapsed on the floor to slow my heartbeat. My puppy may not be great at running with me, but he's good at helping me stretch.

1 comment:

  1. So cute :) And love the pink shirt! Wouldn't have picked you for a pink girl though ;)
