Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stomach of not-so steel

Most runners seem to have difficulty eating anything before a run. I have never had that problem. I've always had a bit of a stomach of steel in my family. I could eat almost anything and go out for a run (not guaranteed fast, but a run nonetheless).
Until today. For whatever reason, I suddenly understood that icky feeling I've always heard described but never felt. That "ugh! I shouldn't have eaten before this. I can feel the food like a hard rock in my stomach" feeling. It was terrible! I'm so glad I only get this once in a blue moon and not on a frequent basis.
As with last week's fartlek, I pre-fatigued doing plyometrics first. Going out on a run afterwards was so, so hard. Excuses of why I shouldn't do it danced in my head as I dragged myself out the door. Considering my starting heart rate in the morning, I would say I was having an off day. Perhaps a day I should have done recovery. But one thing for setting my alarm at 5am - I'm a morning person. It's a darn waste if I wake up at 5am, choose not to exercise, and proceed to waste the next hour and a half because I slacked off. I have done this before, but I need to be feeling pretty awful to do so.
And in the end I did it - both plyo and sprints. And (in a twist of irony), I was feeling so fatigued that I did extra sprints! Not on purpose!!! What happened was, I was worried I wouldn't get through it, so I just focussed on the present and ignored what was left. As a result, I did an extra set of 60sec rep/recovery. Oops! Even more funny, I knew I'd lost track of the 30sec reps and thought - if anything - that I might have pulled an extra one of those. I never thought I'd done an extra 60sec set. Bonus to me! Todays times were not fast (surprise surprise). But I did it. I finished it. No injuries. Good day.

Total time: 22.00
Total distance: 3.39km
Total elevation: 14m
Avg pace: 6.29

90sec rep/recovery: ?/6.18 \ 4.37/6.05
60 sec rep/recovery: 4.56/6.25 \ 5.37/6.46 \ 6.00/6.08 \ 5.44/6.44 \ 5.17/5.59
30 sec rep/recovery: 4.56/6.01 \ 5.10/6.49 \ 5.23/7.08 \ 5.24/7.17
15 sec rep/recovery: 5.05/6.36 \ 5.06/6.31 \ 5.04/5.31 \ 4.46/5.40

The first 90sec rep my watch wasn't fully turned on (aka, no satellites found for GPS part). Thus, my pace registered as 0.00. Lightening fast!

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