Monday, November 13, 2017

The Winter Experiment

Day 1

The weather: -10C
The layers: 2 on bottom, 3 on top, and a buff
The missing layers (and yes, I mean MISSING. Like a young lover misses her boyfriend when he travels abroad): fleece, vest, gloves, nose warmer (does that exist?), and a headlight
The planned distance: 3k

It started off cool, breezy buchan-easy! The path was dark, but clear of snow and the snow made things bright. I felt really good. I even made a new running friend and found out we have a lot in common! Things were going great. We were chatting, all excited to learn we worked in the same circles and
                                                          I got hit by the metaphorical truck.

In mid-sentence, my vision went dark, I stopped being able to breathe, and my body was torn between throwing up or passing out.

I grunted out an apology for my sudden silence, then focused on feeling better and breathing through it.
I got worse.

My eyes started watering and my legs started wobbling.
We were about 1km in. One measly, tiny little km in. And we weren't even going fast!
I told the group I had to drop off the pace as I felt sick. I debated briefly whether to follow them, then decided I should turn around and let them catch me on the way back.
Once I feel better, I told myself, I'll start running again.

But I didn't feel better. I just got colder and colder, but the throw up vs faint battle was still raging in my body. I made it back to the store through a mixture of a walk and a stumble-jog. I was really missing my nose-warmer. Not that I have one - I'm not even sure that's a thing. But it would've really come in handy tonight.

I made it back to the store and drank some water until my body recovered, and drove myself home (I did leave a message with the worker there to let my group know I had made it back safely).

Time to re-evaluate! I'll have to work out what happened. I've been outside lots in the cold before. Skiing, snowshoeing, walking...I have never before responded to the cold in such a way. And I don't think I can blame lingering jet-lag, as I went for a run (on the treadmill) Monday and felt fine.

There is a part of me that wants to throw in the towel, throw on my warm snugglies, and hole up inside until spring.

But there's another part of me that is scientifically - perhaps even morbidly - curious to find out what happened. And what will happen if I try it again.

Of course, next time, I'll be wearing some extra EXTRA layers! Especially in case I need to walk back once again.

ADDENDUM: Since initially writing this post I've spoken with some work colleagues (a nurse and a dietitian) they have theorized that the cause of this was from my being cold, which resulted in a drop in blood pressure as my body sought to keep my internal organs cold. Thus, it was a simple case of my blood pressure dropping abruptly. As a person who suffers low blood pressure, this theory makes sense to me! I'll have to watch for that next time.

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