Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Next Steps

Have a husband watch a race, and he'll watch you run a race.
Teach a husband to run a race, and he'll join you in a race!

I think that's how the saying goes.

And so it is without surprise that Russell & I have started what I will call my "post-marathon goal": teach Russell how to run [consistently].

 For the next 4 weeks, here is the plan:
5 minute warm-up
20 minutes of "run until you're tired; walk until you're recovered; repeat"
5 minute cool down

On week 5 it will be time to bump it up. My initial thought is to bump it up by 5 minutes (of running), but we'll see how the next few weeks go.

We were meant to start this great new plan yesterday, but right as we were getting ready to go an over-excited 20lbs pup did an exuberant leap into my bad knee and as a result I hyper-extended it rather badly. All I can say is, thank goodness this was after the marathon!

But today was a good day to start! My knee was still a bit sore, but only when I extended it fully so running looked to be okay.

Distance: 3.54km
Time: 31.00min
Average pace: 8.46 min/km

Run Interval #1 - 5.04min, 685m, 7.25min/km
Run Interval #2 - 5.05min, 664m, 7.41min/km
Run Interval #3 - 7.02min, 940m, 7.30min/km

Woot woot! Brizzy joined us as well and he was delighted about the whole thing - except when we wouldn't let him stop and sniff at all the p-mail along the way!

I was surprisingly tired the entire run. Ignoring my sore knee (thanks, Brizzy!) I was surprised at how fatigued my muscles were. This was my first run post-marathon and I thought that with a solid 9 days of vegetating on the couch I would be much more energetic, but I guess I'm still recovering. That's a good enough reason to keep eating lots of cookies, right? After all, recovering muscles need lots of energy...

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