Monday, September 23, 2013

Wynnum Twilight 10k Race: Ending with a Bang

I lined up at the start, but sadly not with my friend Jill. The gun went off and I shuffled forward with the mob towards the start line.
Less than 50m into the race, I felt a stitch coming on. Yet another reason I don't like running in the evening! I'm more prone to stitches for whatever reason. Maybe it's psychological.
But analysing why I was getting the stitch wasn't going to help me...well, one stitch. So I did what I always do when I get a running stitch. Exhale really loudly & forcefully as I run. I got more than a few odd looks and I know just what the other runners were thinking, 50m in and you're already tired? Seriously?! Either that or, oh my gosh, you're one of those obnoxiously loud breathers. I hope you don't run at my pace! That's what I would've been thinking.
The stitch never went into a full-blown painful stitch, but it stayed by my side from about 0-4k, and then again from 5-7k.

Goal split times:
5k marker (Lap 1): 5.20min/km pace for a total lap time of 26min40sec
10k marker (Lap 2): 5.15min/km pace for a total lap time of 26min15sec
Grand total goal time: 52.50min

Actual split times:
5k marker: 27min25 (5.29min/km). 9sec/km slower than goal pace.
10k marker: 28min52sec (5.46min/km). Almost 30sec/km slower than goal pace.

At the 8k marker my gps lost satellite reception, for some bizarre and unknown reason. In other words, it died. While I didn't understand it, I could certainly relate because at 8k I was ready to throw in the towel as well. It was annoying, but not life-ending.
I had a great sprint finish which was the best part of the second half.
Of course I was just a bit disappointed. I don't feel I ran my hardest and I wonder how much faster I could've been if I pushed myself rather than sitting on my heels (figuratively speaking) through the second half of the race.
Hanging out post-race with Jill & family.

The Twilight race wraps up the end of the official "race season". There are always races around...such as the 500k relay, Park Run, and various club race events. But Twilight is really the last race race in Brisbane for the year. So it was rather fitting that the evening ended with a fireworks display. The display wasn't until nearly 2hrs after I'd finished my race, but despite the freezing cold wind, lack of proper warm attire and drying sweat leaving me chilled, I was determined to stay for the show.
And it was well worth it! I don't have any pictures, but imagine a deep yellow nearly full moon rising over the ocean with fireworks going off in front of it.


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