Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wardrobe Misjudgement

On Saturday morning I decided it was time for another run. I really miss my 1k repeats, so I thought they would be a good choice. As it was cold out, I put on a pair of long pants and a light jacket. Then, off I went. My aim was to get in 4 solid 1k repeats...maybe 5, if I was feeling strong.

It became clear to me within the first 50m that I had not chosen my pants wisely. They were comfy yoga pants that were by now a few years old, and the elastic had lost a bit of stretch. Good enough for a walk or everyday things, but when doing a fast 1k, I regretted the choice in wardrobe.

Lucky it was bright and early in the morning and no one else was awake! As it was, I spent most of the km ensuring that my pants stayed covering my butt. During my recovery, I wisely tucked my shirt in to try and bulk my waist up a bit so the elastic would hold better. I wished a bit for safety pins.
Total time: 5.02min (yes, this is significantly slower than my normal 1k repeats. I will get back there! I WILL get back there!)

Then I started my second km repeat. My pants were holding up (better), when my shoelaces came undone. Gaaa! Fortunately it was only in the last few metres, so I waited until the next recovery to re-tie my laces, re-tuck in my t-shirt, and re-pull up my pants.
Total time: 4.57min (on the right end of the 5-min marker, but still much room for improvement)

The third km repeat my shoelaces stayed tied, and my pants stayed on (with extra help needed).
Total time: 5.04min (siiiigh)

I was not only unfit, but the cars and people were starting to come out and I was rather sick of having to constantly pull up my pants in the middle of my run. So I called it a day.

Note to self: get better pants to run in!
Double note to self: do more 1k repeats to get back to previous fitness level!

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