Thursday, May 3, 2018

LSD Half Marathon!

[Sorry this is quite computer had crashed and we had to re-upload Windows and all the programs...]

Only training, but still. This is the first time I’ve run a half marathon [distance] since my race in October 2014! That’s a fair few years ago.

I couldn’t stop smiling when I looked outside, because the day looked wonderful. The sun was shining brightly, and there was barely any snow left on the ground. Sure, the wind was strong and freezing cold, but considering all the other weather we’ve been running in, I didn’t mind a bit of wind.

We kept it nice and easy. The pace felt a bit fast, but since nobody in our group seemed to mind I decided to go with it.

Total time: 2.31.28
Total distance: 21.1km
Pace: 7.11min/km
Average heart rate: 159bpm (82%)

Definitely a bit fast for a long run! I would have liked to keep my heart rate under 80%. The wind probably didn’t help either. It was a challenge, as not only did we change direction as we journeyed around the route I’d planned, but the wind changed direction constantly as well, meaning it was hard to predict when it would be in our favour. I’ll tell you what: Idefinitely noticed the times the wind was NOT in our favour. It often seemed to be pushing hard against us when we had a hill to climb…

In any case, fast or not, we did it! The half marathon crew will be pulling back the distance in preparation for their race, and I’ll be pulling back my distance for a few weeks until the full marathon training gains momentum in June. Looking forward to doing some “short” 12-16k runs once again!

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