Friday, July 27, 2018

Another Day, Another 29k

This 29k was much, much better than the runs I’ve done in a long time. Maybe it was taking the focus off my heart-rate; maybe it was the cooler weather, or the fact that I did a short sprint session the day before. Whatever it is, I felt strong and capable the entire way through! I frequently found myself holding back to slow the pace down. In the last 3.7k I even made the plan to run a bit faster than race pace to see how I felt running at my pace on tired legs (my current race pace goal is 6.15, so I ran at around a 6.00 pace). The only thing I don’t currently have figured out is my bathroom timing! I used to be so smug about my long runs because was never a person who would need a washroom break! But now I feel like I’m reaching a mental stutter when it comes to running over 3 hours that I constantly have the need to stop and use the facilities. Often within the first 3k of the run! I’m not sure if I’m getting up too early before my runs, or not early enough. Or if it’s simply that the thought of running for 3.5+ hours has my nerves sending awkward messages to my brain about my need for a pit stop just as I’m getting started.
And it’s made me realize that if it gets down to race day and I need a port-a-potty stop along the course, so be it! Far better than the alternative, anyway…

But other than that, I’m starting to gain confidence in the upcoming race! My nutrition is sorted, my knee pain has diminished almost completely (knock on wood!), and I only have 2 long runs left before the big day. Things are starting to get real!

Total distance: 29.7km
Total time: 3:31:17
Average pace: 7.07min/km
Average heart rate: 146bpm (75%)

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