Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Speed Goes Up; Speed Comes Down

Last week was a bad week.
Between spending an unexpected Monday night visit to the vet resulting in this*…

*Brizzy hurt his eye playing fetch with his ball, but happily he is now fully recovered!

And fighting off a cold, I was not feeling highly motivated this week. The thunderstorm on Tuesday night decided me: I was staying home!

On Wednesday I went out to do my 6k run. I had to work late, but I was motivated by the thought by the free hat thought of seeing my running friends and going out for a 6k tempo run. So I skipped going home and instead drove straight to the store for my run. It just so happened that the Running Room was having their annual “20 minute challenge” on that night, which meant discounts in the store and a free hat for everyone who signed up.

The route picked out for us was a lovely 3.1km circuit. I was undecided if I wanted to follow it or do my own route, but somehow I started at the front of the pack and – not wanting to add to any confusion – I opted to do the circuit in question. Twice. Geez, was I slow! Depressing that the speed gains I had started making with my heart rate training have sunk right back to where I was at the beginning.

Total distance: 6.41km
Total time: 38.28min
Average Pace: 6.00min/km
Average HR: 167bpm (86%)

But I guess you can say I did it! The best part was being reminded that it was free slurpee day at 7/11 stores! An wouldn’t you know it?! There was a 7/11 store right next to the Running Room store! Talk about convenience! I can’t remember the last time I had a slurpee but after a 6k run in 30C heat I was game for one. What an incredible way to turn my mood right around.

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