Saturday, May 19, 2012

Interpreting Instructions

As most of you know, I am very good at following the strictest instructions ... or at least, my interpretation of the strictest instructions! Can I help it if I have a creative mind?
My physio/podiatrist buddy told me to run 3-4x between this week and next week. And he also told me to keep my runs to 5k max. Upon questioning, I was told that "up to 8k is fine. But I don't want you to be too far from home when your knee starts to hurt". I was then told that I needed to come in this week having run so that my knee was max sore so he could figure out exactly what was going on.
The assumption being, of course, that my knee would give out at about 5k. This held very true for Friday's run - much to my dismay!
I started my day with the prescribed physio exercises - and you can bet I'll be doing them faithfully for the next few weeks! Then off to meet the group for my first long run in a few weeks. Yikes! I had a game plan in mind: starting at the 4k mark, I would gage how I felt every km and turn around when things started to niggle (a precursor to pain). If necessary, I had steeled myself to - ulp - walk back.
The 4k mark came along...the 5k...the 6k... and so I reached a dilemma. Did I run the prescribed mileage of "up to 8k" (okay, so I'd already failed on this point) or did I push myself towards that point of pain so Mr Pod-Physio could figure out what was wrong?
I will give you a few seconds now to ponder what decision I might have made.

Well, as it turns out, I had an awesome friend running who was also on the "injury watch list" so to speak. At the start, we agreed to do the 12k together. But then we chatted at the 5k and both felt strong enough to keep going to the 7k mark. What's an extra two kms, right?
The 7k mark came and what's another 500m? We can turn around there, right? That will be a nice, solid 15k round trip.
That 7.50km number rolled around and it was oooohhh so tempting to keep going. But then what if my knee gave out at 8k and I was stuck trekking back all that distance? Dutifully, I turned around with my friend. We had the best of conversations. I can't remember the last time I've talked so much on a run!
And deep down inside, I was doing a little dance as I passed the 12k mark and still no pain.
At just over 15k we hit the end. And NO PAIN!!! That's right, folks! Whether it was the patched shoes, the great conversation with my fellow running (and blogging!) friend, or simply two weeks of rest, I felt great.
But then, how could I go back to Mr Pod-Physio like this? So I turned around and kept going for a mini-loop. Admittedly, a little gnawing of guilt came my way, so I decided to turn back and finish the run before I went just that one step too far. I was - at this point - well passed that "up to 8k" recommendation. At the end of the run I then went home and did something I don't do enough of: stretches. I feel virtuous.

Total distance: 16.8km
Total time: 1.43.16
Avg pace: 6.09km

What can I say, other than AWESOME! Here's hoping the next few weeks prove to be even better.

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