Thursday, April 12, 2018

5 + 5 = 10

Speed work! All of my research over the past few weeks was about to pay off (I hoped). Three of us showed up for the speed work. I had it all planned out (like last night...ha ha). And even when I had my last minute doubts, wondering if I shouldn't change the plan, I stuck to it.
The plan:
1km warm up
Drills: high knees, butt kicks, high skip, strides
3k fartlek, taking turns to pick the length of the speed work (e.g.: "to the next lamp post"), the speed (e.g.: medium vs fast pace) and the recovery time between.
1k cool down

I had a lot of fun, and was able to explain the justification for some of the different things we did. See? All that research did NOT go to waste!

But the marathon group was going out for a 10k run tonight. So after dropping my awesome clinic group back at the store, I continued on to do another 5k. This part was quite a bit more boring. It was a "run along this path until I get to a deep puddle then turn around and go a different route so I don't get wet feet" sort of thing. I slogged out the distance.

I admit, I'm really struggling with a "training plan" for my first marathon! I joined the Running Room clinic which is a structured 18 week program. But they have a policy of running 5 days per week, doing stress runs on Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, easy runs on Thursday and Saturday, and rest days Monday and Friday. I'm not thrilled with the idea of running 5x per week. I am more of a 3x per week plus cross training sort of person.

A few years ago I ran my PB in the half marathon just doing 2 runs a week...not typical, I know! But there are so many different schools of thought for marathon training and I'm really keen to commit to this and do my best, without over training or causing injury. So...what do I do? I'll have to think on this.


  1. I might suggest spending time at the Running Room.. they have marathon prep groups..

    1. Thanks for the great suggestion! I did sign up with the marathon clinic at the Running Room...but they recommend running 5 days per week. I was worried that 5 days/week would cause injury, and was trying to decide how to modify their training program to suit my goals (the primary goal being: complete marathon without injury!).
