Sunday, August 11, 2013

Inner Arguments

I may have been a bit of a rebel today and not followed my program given by my coach. On this program I was supposed to do a 12k long run on Sunday at an endurance pace (6min/km). But then I did a 12k run on Thursday instead of the 10k run I was supposed to do (what can I say? I was keen!).
So really, that means that I should do my 10k endurance run on the weekend instead, right? That's what I thought, too.
So off I merrily went to Park Run. And I was sort of maybe thinking to myself, I've had a good couple of days of running. But today I don't feel so great. I should do an easy endurance run as is on my program.
And the other half of myself thought, I haven't done a threshold run [5.06min/km for 5k] in a LONG time. In fact, the last couple of times I've attempted to maintain this threshold pace I failed quite badly not able to maintain the pace and fading in the last 3k. I wonder if I could maintain that pace now...
And then I thought, no, I ate out TWICE yesterday. My stomach feels a bit funny and this is not the day to prove to myself. This is the day to take it easy. Follow the program!
BUT I have two more weeks until the big Sunshine Coast 5k. I need to prove to myself that things are picking up after last Sunday's race, and surely I can recover from a 5k threshold race in the next two weeks.
It's not in the program, Laura!
Of course it isn't...I really shouldn't...
And with the will-power born of someone who can never say no to chocolate, I gave in to the temptation and ran a threshold pace for Park Run.

I started with a 2k warm-up. I kept it easy from the start. I didn't want to pressure myself - especially the first km as everything is so busy it's hard to find a rhythm. And do you know what? Those first 3k - count it 3K!!! - were amazing. I had to slow myself down to a 5min pace constantly, as I found myself wanting to pull ahead and go faster, faster, faster! But I managed to resist the inner voice and keep to threshold pace.
The last 2k of the race were a bit more challenging, but I still stuck to the 5min pace with barely a struggle. I may have given in and sped up a wee little bit in the final km, but not much I swear!
I crossed the finish line in 25.22min and felt fabulous. Not only is it  my tied-for-second-best 5k time ever, but I was holding back the entire time. And after I finished the race? I felt like I could have done it all over again!
I didn't though. This time I listened to the voice of reason: I finished with a 2k warm-down, and glowed in the after effects all day long.


  1. This was a good run, the effortless Ever Ready battery type where you can keep going and going and going and...

    1. I agree! Nice to have those days every now and then.
