Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Successfully Sly Surges

This morning at speed session we did something I've never done before - secret surges on 1k reps!
To do this, our coach divided us into different groups according to relative speed. Before we set off he would secretly tap someone in the group. (Sort of like back in the day where you used to play "murder in the dark" at birthday parties. Does anyone remember that?)
That person's job was to surge in the last 300m. Markers were set out so we would know when that point was. The other members of the group had to keep up with the person surging. The point of this endeavour was to practise a race condition, where we might be trying to sprint at the end of a race (or others might be sprinting around us and we want to keep up).
I was in a small but awesome group of three. In the first set I was not the one to surge. I kept the lead position for the first part of the rep and was wondering if anyone was going to catch me up to surge ahead.
I needn't have worried!
From out of nowhere one of my fellow group members came flying past me. I had to check her back to make sure no jet packs were on them - that's how fast she was going.
But I kept up - barely. I crossed the finish line and checked my lap time for that km. 4.31min. That is a new 1k-PB!!! (Previously held 1k PB was 4.34min)

I wasn't sure how this super speedy first rep would affect the other 1k reps we had on. I hit the 500m recovery walking.
As the reps continued, my times were right on the original target my coach gave me - 4.47, 4.48 respectively, which I was thrilled with. My last time was nothing exciting, but it was more to do with running with others in my group than because I felt fatigued.
Our group took a very easy recovery, since we were all working so hard.
I was only the secret surger once - in the second rep. I think that I preferred the challenge of keeping up with other runners who were surging more than I liked doing it myself. It's that competitive nature in me.
Although this wasn't a day we wrote our times down for our coach, I couldn't help bragging to him - and everyone else at training - just a little. And then a little more.
And maybe a little more after that.