Friday, August 16, 2013

Spider Bridge

My goal today was to run for 60min. I thought about going for 10k, but time constraints made 60min more feasible.
I wasn't with a group, and faced a bit of a conundrum. Where do I run?
I opted somewhere different. I wanted to go out for 30min and back for 30min. The trouble was, I didn't realize until I arrived at my chosen destination that the new area I had hoped to explore was bike lane only. That is, no runners.
At this point some runners would say heck with this, I'm a runner NOT a walker. I won't disturb any cyclists. But I respect that cyclists have the right to pedestrian-free bike paths. Mostly I respect this for the right to turn up my nose and negatively judge any cyclist who bells or yells at me to move so they can pass me on the pedestrian-only areas. Once or twice I may even have self-righteously muttered under my breath, "this is a pedestrian-only path" or "wrong lane, buddy".
So instead I avoided the bike path, and turned to head across...SPIDER BRIDGE. (Not to be confused with the bridge I nicknamed "Spiderman Bridge", which is completely different)
I don't know the name of the actual bridge over the highway, but the first time I innocently walked across it, there were so many spiders webbed out along the covered walkway that I felt the need to walk in the middle with shoulders hunched, waiting for the moment when one of the many gi-normous spiders would pounce.
As many may know, two spider-bite scars have left me with a justifiable fear of spiders.
The Stuff of Nightmares!

As I crossed this bridge I felt my heart rate pick up - and I don't think it was because of the hill. Thankfully, no spiders were staking out the bridge today. I survived the way out, and I survived the way back. I finished my run earlier than planned at about 52min. I considered running around the block once or twice to get to the full 60min, but decided I really couldn't be bothered.

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